Resources found: 2

IV Congresso da SPAGESP (Sociedade de Psicoterapias Analíticas Grupais do Estado de São Paulo). X Jornada do NESME (Núcleo de Estudos de Saúde Mental e Psicanálise das Configurações Vinculares). IV Congresso de Saúde Mental da Região de Ribeirão Preto

Ribeirão Preto/SP - Brasil
Date: 21/05/2010 - 23/05/2010

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Medicine, Psychology, Psychology, Clinical, Psychology, Child, Psychology, Adolescent, Psychiatry, Preventive Psychiatry, Behavioral Sciences, Mental Healing, Mental Health Services, Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Centers, Social Support, Homeopathic Therapeutic Approaches, Behavioral Medicine, Mental Health, Delivery of Health Care, Mental Health Assistance, Health Sciences, Family Therapy, Conduct Disorder, Alcohol Drinking, Alcoholism, Alcohol-Induced Disorders, Substance-Related Disorders, Drug and Narcotic Control, Illicit Drugs, Substance Withdrawal Syndrome, Substance Abuse Treatment Centers, Education, Continuing, Health Education

Seminário Controle Social & AIDS: Desafios e Perspectivas

Rio de Janeiro/RJ - Brasil
Date: 30/09/2009 - 01/10/2009

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Public Health, HIV, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Anti-HIV Agents, AIDS-Related Opportunistic Infections, HIV Long-Term Survivors, AIDS Serodiagnosis, Prejudice, Violence, Sexuality, Women, Women's Health, Education, Health Education, Quality of Life, Illicit Drugs, Gender Identity, Gender and Health, Homosexuality, Ethics, Psychology, Behavioral Medicine, "Controle Social & AIDS: Desafios e Perspectivas"